Today is the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin flight into the space :D!! I dont know but I believe it is a very important day for all of us to remember why? because it was the beginning of a new era :D an era of scientific discoveries and its day to day application :)
Leaving behind the discovery channel ad XD I believe that this is an important day because it shows the determination of mankind to arrive to the moon despite so many tragic failures.
It is a lesson of life to do whatever you want to do without being discouraged by failure. There is no guarantee you will reach your target but you do not need those guarantees. The world may and probably will defeat you. But you will not be defeated by yourself. You will mantain your courage and tenacity.
PD: How was my day? Good :D From teacher to students there was a great disinterest in school all together signs of the approaching vacations XD Except for my psychology doctor who firmly believes in all night study and cramming XD good for him he understands our studying behaviours XD
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